Our staff will help gather the information needed to secure a permit from the local agent
of TCEQ–usually the county environmental health department. While the requirements may
differ slightly from county to county we will need the following information.
Information Needed for Design and Permitting:
Permit Requirements:
- A home system must be designed by a professional engineer or a registered sanitarian (also required for septic systems).
- A permit must be obtained from the local government (county or city) in which the system will be installed (also a requirement for septic systems).
- Electrical connections are required for the aerator, pump, warning light, and control panel. We will be happy to provide proper wiring diagrams. For new homes, please allow us to check the wiring before the sheetrock is installed.
- The system owner must maintain a service contract for the aerobic system with a qualified company or individual.
- Chlorine is required by the State of Texas for all spray irrigation systems (systems that discharge water through sprinklers).
- An affidavit to the public is required by the system owner for all spray irrigation systems.
Information Needed to Get a Permit:
If the county name below is in blue, you can visit the official website by clicking on the link. Permit requirements vary by county.